During Asia Week 2023 selections of the John Solt Kitasono Katué archive were exhibited at the Renzo Piano Building in New York. The show featured a wide range of Kitasono’s original art, design-work, poetry, and work as an editor and organizer of avant-garde groups.

The centerpieces of the exhibition were two large cases containing art, correspondence, and publications by Kitasono. The first case featured work from the pre-war and war period. This work is now exceedingly rare due to the widespread destruction during the firebombing of Tokyo. The second case featured material from the post-war period. Together, these two cases form a snapshot of the wide-ranging activities of Kitasono during the entirety of his artistic life.

Pre-war and war

Detail of case from pre-war and war-period

Photographs of Kitasono and Ishikawa Kyuyoh tribute to Kitasono

Plastic poems and VOU exhibition poster


Detail of post-war case

Selected plastic poems

Plastic poem

Screening of films made of Kitasono Katue poems set to music by Nishimatsu Fuei with dance by Ohno Yoshito, filmed and editing by Iina Naoto in 2008. Click here for full films of Blue and Black Portrait.